Executive Director PETER BRADY at the BCSC has indicated to a former investor that he is NOT able to discuss the Settlement Offer brought forth by the Respondents BEFORE the hearing that would have seen the investors participate in the Deercrest project with NO involvement from Wharram or the other Respondents.   In his email to the investor, he cites a confidentiality clause that permits him from discussing the details of our Settlement Offer.   In that we (as a Respondent that WROTE the Settlement Offer) have been ignored by the Staff at the BCSC for many months now – we are hoping the former investors in FCC and DCF will now be able to get answers from the good people at the BCSC.

Today, as at 10:43 AM, I have sent the following email to the Commission:

The declaration sent to the BCSC is as follows:

We wish the former investors well in attempting to get answers from the BCSC – answers that believe it or not – we (the Respondents) have not been able to get from them.     They have been silent for far too long and it is time they answer why they did not  even internally discuss the settlement (that would have helped the former investor recoup funds lost in the investment).   As we blogged (click on link) in the past, the BCSC did not even have a discussion with respect to the settlement offer – they only wanted me to plead guilty to ALL allegation and pay fines and disgorgement in the amount of $5.8 million dollars!

Thank you all for your support!

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